Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Top 3 Weight Loss Mistakes You Must Not Make!

One of the reasons why many people fail to lose weight time and again is that they are just too impatient. These people are not ready to give enough time to their body to shed all the pounds; they want it fast, quick and without any extra effort or sacrifice on their part!

If you have a similar aim then let me warn you beforehand that you are not going to succeed! After all, fast weight loss is simply an impossible goal that you can never expect to achieve; even if you manage to lose a few pounds of weight fast, it would not be real and permanent FAT loss! So how can you lose fat? Well, that is what you are going to learn here!

1. Be patient and set realistic goal: Patience is the number one key to weight loss success. Patience, combined with self-discipline would certainly help you achieve your weight loss goal. Of course, your goal needs to be realistic too. You shouldn't set a goal of getting slimmer overnight because that is simply not possible! Realistic goals are doable and achievable in healthy and natural way, and if your goal doesn't fit this criterion, then you need to go back and revise it.

2. Don't expect to get rid of fat without workouts: It is not realistic to dream of acquiring a sexy and lean body without having to hit the gym. Remember that gym is your friend, and unless you workout regularly, you are going to lose very little weight, if at all!

At the same time, you should also make sure that you are not spending all of your time in the gym. Many times people go crazy and overenthusiastic about weight loss and tend to spend as many as nine hours at a stretch in the gym. You are not only putting excessive strain on your body that way, but also not offering it enough time to recover itself from that strain.

If your body is unable to recover from the strain of workouts, you are not going to have a strong and healthy body. You should certainly hit the gym regularly but at the same time make sure that you don't spend more than a couple of hours on workouts!

3. Don't expect to reach your ideal calorie intake level overnight: It is true that you can lose weight only when you cut down on your calorie intake enough so that you give your body no more than the exact amount of calories it needs.

Your current calorie intake level is probably a lot higher than your ideal calorie intake level. Since your body needs time to adjust itself to your reduced calorie intake, you should be reducing your calorie intake level bit by bit on a daily basis!

Don't try to reach your ideal calorie intake level overnight! If you take drastic measures such as starving or skipping meals, the situation would only get worse for you.

Also, keep in mind that cutting down on calorie intake doesn't mean eating less! You should reduce your calorie intake by replacing the calorie-rich junk foods with the low-calorie organic foods!